Harvey Fierstein
#26 - 185.5 (-1.5) Total -14 lb
Feelin' pretty tired today. Was a little yesterday but more so today.
Although I haven't done anything physically strenuous in the last couple days, I've been spending long hours on building my business. It's all good though :)
With HCG they tell you not to do overly strenuous activities and I've noticed that when I cut all the grass, a few days ago, in one go (45 min) during 30C heat, that it knocked the energy out of me!
Of all the different protocols/diets/weight loss programs that I've done, never had one say to only do moderate exercise - like walking!
I used to detest exercise, in any form...that is until I mentioned in a previous blog working with my NLP Coach and she discovered I didn't have a Strategy for Health and exercise and put one in. What a difference...I soooo enjoy walking now and when I can't I feel disappointed-like I'm missing my treat for the day! Pretty cool, don't you think?
Cheers to Your Health!
Jun 30, 2010
Jun 29, 2010
#24 + #25 - "The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles,
but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly." - Buddha
#24 - 189 same (bit of a plateau I guess)
#25 - 187 (-2)
OK, so the long story short here is that if you choose to divert from the program, even for just an evening, it can take you up to 4 days to get back to where you were!
Think about it, Jun 25 was 187.5, today finally back down 187. Total so far in 25 days is -12.5 lb - which is great (avg .5 lb per day) in such a short period of time but...
Is it really worth it to cheat? Was it really worth it to stray. In my books, nope.
This program is only for 45 days and then 3-6 weeks of maintenance (to reset your weight point).
There's also a shorter program that runs for 26 days and then maintenance.
If after your program you want to reduce more, you must remain in the maintenance phase for 6 weeks, then start again with Phase I. This prevents the body from building immunity to HCG.
So Buddha; I've learnt from the past and have let that go, have my goal for the future and am aware of the pitfalls and am choosing to live in the present with passion.
Cheers to Your Health,
#24 - 189 same (bit of a plateau I guess)
#25 - 187 (-2)
OK, so the long story short here is that if you choose to divert from the program, even for just an evening, it can take you up to 4 days to get back to where you were!
Think about it, Jun 25 was 187.5, today finally back down 187. Total so far in 25 days is -12.5 lb - which is great (avg .5 lb per day) in such a short period of time but...
Is it really worth it to cheat? Was it really worth it to stray. In my books, nope.
This program is only for 45 days and then 3-6 weeks of maintenance (to reset your weight point).
There's also a shorter program that runs for 26 days and then maintenance.
If after your program you want to reduce more, you must remain in the maintenance phase for 6 weeks, then start again with Phase I. This prevents the body from building immunity to HCG.
So Buddha; I've learnt from the past and have let that go, have my goal for the future and am aware of the pitfalls and am choosing to live in the present with passion.
Cheers to Your Health,
Jun 27, 2010
#23 - "Imagine what you would be If you were all that you really are." Philip Sedgewick - Astrologer
#23 - 189 (+1.5)
Most definitely accounts for the evening out with my one of my best friends on Fri. night - went to see Trouper and Colin James - great concert. 2 small glasses of red wine, 2 handfuls of cheesy pretzels, bruschetta and a handful of penne aribiatta.
Back to the drawing board.
This quote reminds me of one of our Presuppositions of NLP - convenient assumptions, beliefs that we adopt.
"A person's behaviour is not who they are." The person is not their behaviour. We are all more than our behaviours.
In NLP coaching it this belief that allows us to accept the person and change the behaviour. We also don't believe in labels. We see every person as magnificent and we assist them in actualizing that magnificence. Whatever the behaviour you can conceive, you know that you're more than that behaviour, don't you? And I think you knew that already didn't you. :)
If I asked you who you are, you might answer, I'm an admin assistant, a nurse, a clerk, a doctor, but that's just your behaviour, it's not who you really are.
So in NLP be believe that people are more than their behaviours.
We teach all about the 14 Presuppositions in the accelerated week long NLP training - we have one coming up in September in Newmarket, Ontario.
Before that you might like to check out the weekend event July 11/12 that will give you a good taste of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy (TM) and Hypnosis - very transformational.
The event usually costs $350 a person but as I'm an affiliate of the company I have been given 5 seats at only $75 each! Pretty amazing.
If you send me an email that you're interested I'll hook you up with all the details and you decide.
Cheers to Your Health,
Most definitely accounts for the evening out with my one of my best friends on Fri. night - went to see Trouper and Colin James - great concert. 2 small glasses of red wine, 2 handfuls of cheesy pretzels, bruschetta and a handful of penne aribiatta.
Back to the drawing board.
This quote reminds me of one of our Presuppositions of NLP - convenient assumptions, beliefs that we adopt.
"A person's behaviour is not who they are." The person is not their behaviour. We are all more than our behaviours.
In NLP coaching it this belief that allows us to accept the person and change the behaviour. We also don't believe in labels. We see every person as magnificent and we assist them in actualizing that magnificence. Whatever the behaviour you can conceive, you know that you're more than that behaviour, don't you? And I think you knew that already didn't you. :)
If I asked you who you are, you might answer, I'm an admin assistant, a nurse, a clerk, a doctor, but that's just your behaviour, it's not who you really are.
So in NLP be believe that people are more than their behaviours.
We teach all about the 14 Presuppositions in the accelerated week long NLP training - we have one coming up in September in Newmarket, Ontario.
Before that you might like to check out the weekend event July 11/12 that will give you a good taste of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy (TM) and Hypnosis - very transformational.
The event usually costs $350 a person but as I'm an affiliate of the company I have been given 5 seats at only $75 each! Pretty amazing.
If you send me an email that you're interested I'll hook you up with all the details and you decide.
Cheers to Your Health,
Jun 25, 2010
#21 - "When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?" Sydney J. Harris -was an American Journalist
#21 - 187.5 (-.5) To Date -26.5
There's a self limiting belief if I ever heard one. (TLT would blow that out)
The other response I give to someone that says that quote "Life is hard", is "Don't make it any easier than you have to, in order for you to find the value in it." People usually respond with, "what?" and then say, "right" and laugh.
I read the following today: "If you have your health, you aren't fighting in a war, and your family bond is close, you should count your blessings daily. Because every life presents such an incredible opportunity to grow, learn, share, laugh and love."
How true...we just need to notice those opportunities...
Cheers to Your Health,
There's a self limiting belief if I ever heard one. (TLT would blow that out)
The other response I give to someone that says that quote "Life is hard", is "Don't make it any easier than you have to, in order for you to find the value in it." People usually respond with, "what?" and then say, "right" and laugh.
I read the following today: "If you have your health, you aren't fighting in a war, and your family bond is close, you should count your blessings daily. Because every life presents such an incredible opportunity to grow, learn, share, laugh and love."
How true...we just need to notice those opportunities...
Cheers to Your Health,
Jun 24, 2010
#20 - "We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves." Francois Duc de La Rochefoucauld
#20 - 188 (down 1.5), B.F. 40.5 (down 1) Total -26 lb...we're on a roll :)
Francois Duc de La Rochefoucauld
French classical author, a contemporary of Descartes, who is best known for his maximes, epigrams expressing a harsh or paradoxical truth in the briefest manner possible. A cynical observer of Louis XIV's court, La Rochefoucauld mostly saw selfishness, hypocrisy, and weakness in general in human behavior. With his independent way of thinking he was also one of the intellectual forefathers of the Enlightenment. La Rochefoucauld's insights have influenced amongst others Lord Chesterfield, Thomas Hardy, Friedrich Nietzsche, Stendhal, and André Gide. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/rochefou.htm
I love this guys quote. I looked him up and he was quite the character. He had a rough life and even though he was quite cynical and lived his life on the "Effect" side of the equation (where most of society lives), he was still able to make lemonade out of the lemons that he thought life had dealt him with his many writings and published works.
I teach in my 1 on 1 coaching and in my workshops about "Cause and Effect". To be empowered you need to chose to live on the "Cause" side of the equation. Meaning that you're accountable and responsible for where you are and aren't in your life. Accepting that your life is a result of the choices that you made and didn't make up until this point. Being at "Effect" essentially, is to blame everyone else for your lot in life, even why you did or didn't become the person you really wanted to be, like Francois. When you're at "Effect", you totally give your power away.
I do my best to live my life from the "Cause" side and find it very freeing.
Cheers to Your Health,
Francois Duc de La Rochefoucauld
French classical author, a contemporary of Descartes, who is best known for his maximes, epigrams expressing a harsh or paradoxical truth in the briefest manner possible. A cynical observer of Louis XIV's court, La Rochefoucauld mostly saw selfishness, hypocrisy, and weakness in general in human behavior. With his independent way of thinking he was also one of the intellectual forefathers of the Enlightenment. La Rochefoucauld's insights have influenced amongst others Lord Chesterfield, Thomas Hardy, Friedrich Nietzsche, Stendhal, and André Gide. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/rochefou.htm
I love this guys quote. I looked him up and he was quite the character. He had a rough life and even though he was quite cynical and lived his life on the "Effect" side of the equation (where most of society lives), he was still able to make lemonade out of the lemons that he thought life had dealt him with his many writings and published works.
I teach in my 1 on 1 coaching and in my workshops about "Cause and Effect". To be empowered you need to chose to live on the "Cause" side of the equation. Meaning that you're accountable and responsible for where you are and aren't in your life. Accepting that your life is a result of the choices that you made and didn't make up until this point. Being at "Effect" essentially, is to blame everyone else for your lot in life, even why you did or didn't become the person you really wanted to be, like Francois. When you're at "Effect", you totally give your power away.
I do my best to live my life from the "Cause" side and find it very freeing.
Cheers to Your Health,
Jun 23, 2010
#19 - "Don't be afraid if things seem difficult in the beginning. That's only the initial impression...
The important thing is not to retreat; you have to master yourself." Olga Korbut Olympic Gold Medalist Gymnast
#19 - 189.5 (down 3), B.F. 41.5 same
Yep, that was it. I had been eating too much protein at lunch and dinner! See the difference 1-3 oz extra was making? Wow!
Had another appointment with my NLP Coach today - keeping me on track, tweaking and eliminating any limiting beliefs in order to support me unconsciously in the conscious changes that I continue to make.
I'd better explain that for those who are not in the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy TM and Hypnosis.
Did you know that all Learning, Behaviour and Change happens at the unconscious level.
Have you ever tried to change a behaviour consciously, it takes forever. That's because your unconscious mind (domain of our emotions, feelings and drives our behaviour) is the goal getter and your conscious mind (thinking, logical and analytical) is the goal setter.
So you're thinking (conscious mind) that you want to change a habit but unbeknown to you there's a program running in the unconscious mind that disagrees, you will be unsuccessful in changing it permanently.
That's why I love my work so much, with my many quick, easy and fun tools/techniques, I'm able to assist my clients in making the changes that they want to make at the unconscious level so that they are permanent.
Lots more on that subject of your unconscious mind at my workshops.
Cheers to Your Health,
#19 - 189.5 (down 3), B.F. 41.5 same
Yep, that was it. I had been eating too much protein at lunch and dinner! See the difference 1-3 oz extra was making? Wow!
Had another appointment with my NLP Coach today - keeping me on track, tweaking and eliminating any limiting beliefs in order to support me unconsciously in the conscious changes that I continue to make.
I'd better explain that for those who are not in the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy TM and Hypnosis.
Did you know that all Learning, Behaviour and Change happens at the unconscious level.
Have you ever tried to change a behaviour consciously, it takes forever. That's because your unconscious mind (domain of our emotions, feelings and drives our behaviour) is the goal getter and your conscious mind (thinking, logical and analytical) is the goal setter.
So you're thinking (conscious mind) that you want to change a habit but unbeknown to you there's a program running in the unconscious mind that disagrees, you will be unsuccessful in changing it permanently.
That's why I love my work so much, with my many quick, easy and fun tools/techniques, I'm able to assist my clients in making the changes that they want to make at the unconscious level so that they are permanent.
Lots more on that subject of your unconscious mind at my workshops.
Cheers to Your Health,
Jun 22, 2010
#18 - "Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach. It's the end you're after." Anthony Robbins
#18 - 193 (up 2), B.F. 41.5 (down .5)
Wow, how appropriate is this quote for me today!
I'll admit I must've been having a man moment this time around and decided not to re-read the instruction booklet, specially in regards to portion size.
Long story short, it appears that I've been consuming 1-3 oz more protein at each meal! (4-5 oz, not 6-8 oz) Yikes!!! Glad I realized this now, rather than at day 45.
Well that would explain a lot, especially the weight loss not being as much as I would've figured by this point
Back to the drawing board...
I'm certainly learning a lot that I continue to work into my programs to make sure that my clients achieve their results. The difference that I make as a Coach offering these programs, is that not only have I lived this and learnt from it but I have combined the HCG with NLP to guarantee the success is permanent.
We can guarantee our results with NLP Coaching because everyone always achieves their results. I knew that I would achieve my weight loss goal with NLP, regardless of HCG, and I, like everybody else, just wanted the visible results faster :)
Cheers to Your Health,
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)
Wow, how appropriate is this quote for me today!
I'll admit I must've been having a man moment this time around and decided not to re-read the instruction booklet, specially in regards to portion size.
Long story short, it appears that I've been consuming 1-3 oz more protein at each meal! (4-5 oz, not 6-8 oz) Yikes!!! Glad I realized this now, rather than at day 45.
Well that would explain a lot, especially the weight loss not being as much as I would've figured by this point
Back to the drawing board...
I'm certainly learning a lot that I continue to work into my programs to make sure that my clients achieve their results. The difference that I make as a Coach offering these programs, is that not only have I lived this and learnt from it but I have combined the HCG with NLP to guarantee the success is permanent.
We can guarantee our results with NLP Coaching because everyone always achieves their results. I knew that I would achieve my weight loss goal with NLP, regardless of HCG, and I, like everybody else, just wanted the visible results faster :)
Cheers to Your Health,
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)
Jun 21, 2010
Day #17 - "Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success.When you do a thing, do it with all your mind.Put your whole soul to it...
Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic and faithful, you will accomplish your object. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803 - 1882 Essayist, Philosopher and Poet
#17 - 191.5, 42% Body Fat
Remember I said organization is very important. Well today on the way home from the cottage (takes me 2 1/2 hrs.)I knew I was going to be late for supper-not good.
Thought about stopping at Wendy's for a grilled chicken and could throw the bun away but I still need my greens-not like I can eat a salad while driving. Decided against that. Thought I'd stop at Cosco and get my chicken there (it's so much more inexpensive) even though you're supposed to have organic and just throw it on the BBQ when home.
I had drank all the water I brought with me for the ride, took one, should've taken at least 2 bottles. Again, I'd thought about driving through Tim's and get a water and a Green Tea...but didn't. Hindsight's always 20/20. Make note.
So the same thing happened that happened before (Day #13), I get home, I'm so hungry I'm almost sick to my stomach, it's after 8, I drink a glass of water but it's not good enough. If you don't eat when you're supposed to and let yourself get too hungry then look out! You can just imagine what I heard myself saying...
I was at the cottage 2 days, Sat. indulged in a few glasses of wine and because no supper 'til late, I got into some snacks! Cost me 2 lb. by Sunday a.m. and I felt yucky. Terrible headache and upset stomach, wasn't such a good idea after all. The rest of the time ate what I should and on time - I actually cooked both proteins at lunch so that I could have my supper at "my time". Therefore, as of today, I'm back down the 2 to 191.5, strange thing the BF went up by .5 so I'm wondering if my Sea Bass was too big. Think I'll stay away from that for now.
On the flip side, I'm pretty pleased that I was on my game more than I was off. In the past, whatever program I was on before I went to the cottage, went down the drain the whole time there. In fact, when I chose to have the wine and snacks it was a conscious choice, thanks to the tools and techniques of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and TLT (Time Line Therapy TM).
I remember 2 years ago, before my daughter got married I had been "consciously" trying to lose weight and I just seemed to be getting bigger, so out of desperation one day, Feb. '07, on the way home from work I went to L.A. Weight loss and signed up. It cost me around $1300, ($600 for me to go and get weighed in 1-3 times a week, $400 for bars that were supposed to kill your appetite.) Over the next 5 months, I think I reduced in total 8 lb. and then it just went back on plus more!
Anybody, like me, who's been challenged with weight issues probably has a few of these stories in their back pocket, I know I certainly do.
NLP & TLT are the tools that make the difference. How? By creating the permanent changes you want to make in your life - quickly, easily and effortlessly!
Cheers to Your Health,
#17 - 191.5, 42% Body Fat
Remember I said organization is very important. Well today on the way home from the cottage (takes me 2 1/2 hrs.)I knew I was going to be late for supper-not good.
Thought about stopping at Wendy's for a grilled chicken and could throw the bun away but I still need my greens-not like I can eat a salad while driving. Decided against that. Thought I'd stop at Cosco and get my chicken there (it's so much more inexpensive) even though you're supposed to have organic and just throw it on the BBQ when home.
I had drank all the water I brought with me for the ride, took one, should've taken at least 2 bottles. Again, I'd thought about driving through Tim's and get a water and a Green Tea...but didn't. Hindsight's always 20/20. Make note.
So the same thing happened that happened before (Day #13), I get home, I'm so hungry I'm almost sick to my stomach, it's after 8, I drink a glass of water but it's not good enough. If you don't eat when you're supposed to and let yourself get too hungry then look out! You can just imagine what I heard myself saying...
I was at the cottage 2 days, Sat. indulged in a few glasses of wine and because no supper 'til late, I got into some snacks! Cost me 2 lb. by Sunday a.m. and I felt yucky. Terrible headache and upset stomach, wasn't such a good idea after all. The rest of the time ate what I should and on time - I actually cooked both proteins at lunch so that I could have my supper at "my time". Therefore, as of today, I'm back down the 2 to 191.5, strange thing the BF went up by .5 so I'm wondering if my Sea Bass was too big. Think I'll stay away from that for now.
On the flip side, I'm pretty pleased that I was on my game more than I was off. In the past, whatever program I was on before I went to the cottage, went down the drain the whole time there. In fact, when I chose to have the wine and snacks it was a conscious choice, thanks to the tools and techniques of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and TLT (Time Line Therapy TM).
I remember 2 years ago, before my daughter got married I had been "consciously" trying to lose weight and I just seemed to be getting bigger, so out of desperation one day, Feb. '07, on the way home from work I went to L.A. Weight loss and signed up. It cost me around $1300, ($600 for me to go and get weighed in 1-3 times a week, $400 for bars that were supposed to kill your appetite.) Over the next 5 months, I think I reduced in total 8 lb. and then it just went back on plus more!
Anybody, like me, who's been challenged with weight issues probably has a few of these stories in their back pocket, I know I certainly do.
NLP & TLT are the tools that make the difference. How? By creating the permanent changes you want to make in your life - quickly, easily and effortlessly!
Cheers to Your Health,
Jun 19, 2010
Day #15 "Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you're ready or not to put it into action." Napoleon Hill
Day #15 - 191lb (down 1/2), Body Fat 41.5 (same) - Total so far: 8 1/2lb
Well as I said before the plan and preparation is the key.
Am going to the cottage for a day or two and the truck is loaded. lol
I've got my supply of grapefruit, berries, spinach, arugula, apples, fish, chicken, teas, HCG drops, B12 drops, my tracking book and my bathroom scale!
Although it is my intention to do my best, the wagon may tip a little bit...hopefully not
Cheers to Your Health,
Well as I said before the plan and preparation is the key.
Am going to the cottage for a day or two and the truck is loaded. lol
I've got my supply of grapefruit, berries, spinach, arugula, apples, fish, chicken, teas, HCG drops, B12 drops, my tracking book and my bathroom scale!
Although it is my intention to do my best, the wagon may tip a little bit...hopefully not
Cheers to Your Health,
Jun 18, 2010
Day #14 "The important thing is not to be afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is not to try...
Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it." - Debbi Fields, Founder of Mrs. Fields Cookies
Day #14 - 191.5 same as yesterday, Body Fat 41.5 (down 1.5)
I'd like to adjust the quote and change the word "try" to "attempt it". In my vocab "try" equals "fail".
For example, ever try and pick up a pencil say off the table, go ahead, pick it up. You either pick it up or you don't. Same as you ask a friend if they'd like to come over on the w/e for a visit and they say, "I'll try", you might as well say, OK well I won't be expecting you then.
Here's my question, when was the last time you heard yourself say "try" in a sentence. Picture what was going on. Did you do it or not? If you didn't, I bet you had no intention to when you said "I'll try".
I use the expression "do your best", useful when asking a child or a person to attempt something, especially new.
So in regards to this protocol, I'm doing my best to stay on the straight and narrow.
It's especially challenging when life throws you a curve ball, little or big, like it did me yesterday. You need to be prepared for the unexpected.
You'll find that you want to cheat. NLP teaches up that under stress we tend to want to revert to our old ways. When you realize/recognize that you're leaning that way stop, be still for just a second or two and ask yourself, ok, do I really want to throw away all those good feelings, all the happy sounds and seeing those successes on the morning scales and in the mirror? If the anwer is no, then if you're like me, I quickly swig back a glass of water and put the kettle on for a nice comforting cup of green tea. Focus on the end result.
Also I remind myself, "If you cheat you're only cheating yourself!"
Cheers to Your Health,
Day #14 - 191.5 same as yesterday, Body Fat 41.5 (down 1.5)
I'd like to adjust the quote and change the word "try" to "attempt it". In my vocab "try" equals "fail".
For example, ever try and pick up a pencil say off the table, go ahead, pick it up. You either pick it up or you don't. Same as you ask a friend if they'd like to come over on the w/e for a visit and they say, "I'll try", you might as well say, OK well I won't be expecting you then.
Here's my question, when was the last time you heard yourself say "try" in a sentence. Picture what was going on. Did you do it or not? If you didn't, I bet you had no intention to when you said "I'll try".
I use the expression "do your best", useful when asking a child or a person to attempt something, especially new.
So in regards to this protocol, I'm doing my best to stay on the straight and narrow.
It's especially challenging when life throws you a curve ball, little or big, like it did me yesterday. You need to be prepared for the unexpected.
You'll find that you want to cheat. NLP teaches up that under stress we tend to want to revert to our old ways. When you realize/recognize that you're leaning that way stop, be still for just a second or two and ask yourself, ok, do I really want to throw away all those good feelings, all the happy sounds and seeing those successes on the morning scales and in the mirror? If the anwer is no, then if you're like me, I quickly swig back a glass of water and put the kettle on for a nice comforting cup of green tea. Focus on the end result.
Also I remind myself, "If you cheat you're only cheating yourself!"
Cheers to Your Health,
Jun 17, 2010
"Surrounded by people who love life, you love it too; surrounded by people who don't, you don't." Mignon McLaughlin
Day #13 - up 1 (191.5) up 1% body fat-ouch
I don't know why but I somehow thought that rainbow trout was allowed. If in doubt, check the list, which I did this a.m., it's not. Only fresh white fish, sole, flounder, veal, lobster, crab, shrimp, halibut, 3 egg whites (daily), wild chilean sea bass, turkey, chicken breast or beef (limited) - all organic (Hormone and additive free).
I've also learnt that when going out for lunch, order the following: cooked chicken breast, salad greens, 1/2 lemon. Just keeps it simple, yes I know repetitive but it's only for 26 or 45 days.
The HCG programs can be as short as 26 days or as long as 45 days.
Everyone is different, and everyone will have different results.
Some people will lose 9lbs their first week and only 2lbs their second week; while others will lose 4lbs both the first and second week. Everyone slows down at some point and will usually hit a plateau.
By following the specific program outlined, you will lose weight safely and rapidly from the areas of the body that contain stored abnormal fat.
During this program, generally men will see better and quicker results than women.
So in a nutshell:
Weigh and record it daily, measure 1st and every 10th day.
Phase I is the first two days where you "Binge" (eat double the calories you normally would) and take HCG drops a.m. & p.m.
Phase II day three to forty-five, HCG drops a.m. & p.m., B12 drops every other day, eat 500 calories of the approved foods and drinks.
Phase III Maintenance - now that the weights off as most of you serial dieters know, this is the most important part. Here you eat 1500 cal of the approved foods. You're looking to completely reset the hypothalamus gland, improve your metabolism & support endocrine systems. During this phase you looking to install a new weight set and point in your body and you should attempt to keep your weight as steady as possible. The faster this is done and more consistent one stays at a weight, the quicker the body takes over in making sure the new weight is maintained.
Cheers to Your Health,
I don't know why but I somehow thought that rainbow trout was allowed. If in doubt, check the list, which I did this a.m., it's not. Only fresh white fish, sole, flounder, veal, lobster, crab, shrimp, halibut, 3 egg whites (daily), wild chilean sea bass, turkey, chicken breast or beef (limited) - all organic (Hormone and additive free).
I've also learnt that when going out for lunch, order the following: cooked chicken breast, salad greens, 1/2 lemon. Just keeps it simple, yes I know repetitive but it's only for 26 or 45 days.
The HCG programs can be as short as 26 days or as long as 45 days.
Everyone is different, and everyone will have different results.
Some people will lose 9lbs their first week and only 2lbs their second week; while others will lose 4lbs both the first and second week. Everyone slows down at some point and will usually hit a plateau.
By following the specific program outlined, you will lose weight safely and rapidly from the areas of the body that contain stored abnormal fat.
During this program, generally men will see better and quicker results than women.
So in a nutshell:
Weigh and record it daily, measure 1st and every 10th day.
Phase I is the first two days where you "Binge" (eat double the calories you normally would) and take HCG drops a.m. & p.m.
Phase II day three to forty-five, HCG drops a.m. & p.m., B12 drops every other day, eat 500 calories of the approved foods and drinks.
Phase III Maintenance - now that the weights off as most of you serial dieters know, this is the most important part. Here you eat 1500 cal of the approved foods. You're looking to completely reset the hypothalamus gland, improve your metabolism & support endocrine systems. During this phase you looking to install a new weight set and point in your body and you should attempt to keep your weight as steady as possible. The faster this is done and more consistent one stays at a weight, the quicker the body takes over in making sure the new weight is maintained.
Cheers to Your Health,
Jun 16, 2010
"The real winners in life are the people who look at every situation with an expectation that they can make it work or make it better."
Quote by Barbara Pletcher - Author
Day #12 - down 1.5 lb, body fat up .5%
Yesterday was a great day until the early afternoon, was out shopping and Bam! didn't think I'd make it back home to the bathroom in time or whether to kneel or sit down when I got there! Wow, was I sick, lasted 2 1/2 hours, then gone.
Dr. Hamer's work, which I studied this winter, he calls it a "healing crisis" due to a resolution of an emotional conflict. I think I would've appreciated it a little easier myself, with a little notice that it's coming but the quick part I like, rather than lasting 24 hours or so. His work marries very nicely with NLP and TLT, so for anyone that's curious check out www.newmedicine.ca
Well, then you can imagine what happened to the rest of my day...no apple in the afternoon-too busy in the bathroom. Remember I said about planning and having the correct foods on hand, hmmm, well, I had planned when I was out earlier to buy groceries, so I still needed to go.
So off I go and by the time I get home, I'm getting hungry, it's after 8 (it's recommended that you don't eat past 8), I'm still feeling weak, decide to cook spinach (allowed) but the look of the raw fish in the fridge is not doing it for me, I want comfort...oh oh.
Note to Self: Remember before starting the protocol to clean out the Junk/Snacks cupboard and other unsupportive foods for your health while on the program.
Needless to say, I found and ate 8 tostitos and a whack of cheese (about 1 oz.) - both of which are not allowed! Which would explain the Up .5% of fat. Oh well, today is a new day and this is called life! :)
Also, we're all just doing the best we can with the resources available and when it comes to your awareness that you need something, ask-where can I get these and go and get them...take action!
Cheers to Your Health,
Day #12 - down 1.5 lb, body fat up .5%
Yesterday was a great day until the early afternoon, was out shopping and Bam! didn't think I'd make it back home to the bathroom in time or whether to kneel or sit down when I got there! Wow, was I sick, lasted 2 1/2 hours, then gone.
Dr. Hamer's work, which I studied this winter, he calls it a "healing crisis" due to a resolution of an emotional conflict. I think I would've appreciated it a little easier myself, with a little notice that it's coming but the quick part I like, rather than lasting 24 hours or so. His work marries very nicely with NLP and TLT, so for anyone that's curious check out www.newmedicine.ca
Well, then you can imagine what happened to the rest of my day...no apple in the afternoon-too busy in the bathroom. Remember I said about planning and having the correct foods on hand, hmmm, well, I had planned when I was out earlier to buy groceries, so I still needed to go.
So off I go and by the time I get home, I'm getting hungry, it's after 8 (it's recommended that you don't eat past 8), I'm still feeling weak, decide to cook spinach (allowed) but the look of the raw fish in the fridge is not doing it for me, I want comfort...oh oh.
Note to Self: Remember before starting the protocol to clean out the Junk/Snacks cupboard and other unsupportive foods for your health while on the program.
Needless to say, I found and ate 8 tostitos and a whack of cheese (about 1 oz.) - both of which are not allowed! Which would explain the Up .5% of fat. Oh well, today is a new day and this is called life! :)
Also, we're all just doing the best we can with the resources available and when it comes to your awareness that you need something, ask-where can I get these and go and get them...take action!
Cheers to Your Health,
Jun 15, 2010
Desire is your Continuous Motivation

"Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself." - William Faulkner Author
Day #11 - weight same as yesterday and the day before with the exception of Body Fat dropped by 0.5%
Which makes me wonder. I go through everything in my mind for Monday and Sunday that I ate - yes it was all allowedd, right portions, right food, thinking what did I do differently.
By the way, if you're the least bit intersted in this, go to www.hcgdietinfor.com/HCG-Diet-Porotocol.html lots of information there and you can also download Dr. simeons manuscript-the originator of this protocol about 50 years ago. Something I didn't do until this a.m. but should've done I'll admit because with any job well done, preparation is the key!
So, then I remember that you're not supposed to use lotions, makeup-like foundation etc., creams, lipsticks, etc. Well I don't use foundation, but I had used face cream and I checked Burts Bees Lipstick (from my purse) and sure enough it's fill of different kinds of oils.
Also, like I learnt the first time round, you can't only go by your weight number, the % of body fat is quite relevant too. According to my age and height, (different sources) ideally normal weight (BMI-Body Mass Index) is anywhere from 115 - 140 lb and Body Fat percentage around 22%.
http://www.healthstatus.com/calculate/bfb is where you can go if you don't have a scale that displays this.
My scale is made by "Taylor - Body Fat Analyzer & Scale", I think it was only $35/40 a few years ago. It takes a 9 volt battery, you put in your height, age, either normal or athlete settings and can store more than 1 person's info it. I like it. When you step on it (with bare feet), it displays, weight, body fat % and water %. Pretty cool.
Cheers to Your Health,
Jun 14, 2010
"Life is too short to waste. Dreams are fulfilled only through action, not through endless planning to take action." David J. Schwartz
Protocol #2 - 45 days
Day #10 - weight same as yesterday
On Day #1, 10, 20, 30, 45, as part of this protocol, you have to do measurements.
So, since Day #1 my body is smaller anywhere from 0 to 1/2" - that's pretty good in 10 days.
I checked my records for Protocol #1 and in the first 10 days it was 0 - 3/4", mind you I was larger.
The following may answer some of your questions and is taken from the company that I get my HCG through and their documentation about HCG & three different types of fat:
Q. So what is HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
It is a polypeptide protein that exists in every tissue in the human body in tiny amounts. When a woman becomes pregnant her body produces high quantities of this which aides in supplying nutrition for the baby.
Q. Can it be harmful?
No. During pregnancy it is produced daily in a quantity hundreds of thousands of times the amount that you would be using with this protocol. It harms neither the mother nor the child. In fact it is a natural mechanism that is produced to protect the baby. In the case of a pregnant woman that does not get proper nutrition, the HCG will pull calories and nutrition from her abnormal fat to feed the baby. In this same way it will feed you 2000 calories from your fat; therefore you will not be hungry on this program even though you are only eating 500 calories!
Q. Is it safe for men?
Yes. In fact men tend to do very well with the HCG.
HCG targets Abnormal Fat and Reshapes Your Body!
It is true that if you follow a 500 calorie a day diet you will lose weight anyway. However, you will not lose the same weight, the same way, as with including the HCG. Your goal is to lose FAT, not just weight.
Following a 500 calorie a day diet with out HCG will leave you fatigued and irritable. Within a few days you will start to retain water as you become protein deficient.
Without the HCG you will lose both fat and muscle, as is the case with any normal diet.
An important point to note with this protocol is that when you have dropped for example 16 lbs, you have lost 16 lbs of abnormal fat. Whereas, with other diets, when you lose 16 lbs, you could be losing 8 lbs of lean body mass, 4 lbs of good fat reserves and 4 lbs of abnormal fat.
Structural fat: fills the gaps between various organs, a sort of packing material. It beds the kidneys, gives the springy cushion of hard fat under the bones of the feet, it also makes the skin smooth and taut.
Reserve (normal) fat: the body can freely draw upon this fat when the nutritional income from the intestinal tract is insufficient to meet the demand. This fat is localized all over the body. Both structural and reserve, are normal and even if the body stocks them to capacity this can never be called obesity.
Abnormal fat: the accumulation of fat, and such fat only, from which the overweight patient suffers. This abnormal fat is also a potential reserve of fuel, but unlike the normal reserves it is not available to the body in a nutritional emergency. It is, so to speak, locked away in a fixed deposit and is not kept in a current account, as the normal reserves.
Abnormal fat is targeted in this protocol.
Unlike other diets, this program seems to reshape and re-sculpt the body by releasing abnormal fat deposits on your body. This unique process also appears to help correct your hypothalamus and metabolism potentially making these results permanent!
I believe that in order for this protocol to be permanent it must be combined with working on a Health Breakthrough with an NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Coach that's certified in Time Line Therapy (R). No ifs, ands or buts. You have to address the inappropriate strategies, behaviours, negative emotions and limiting beliefs (they're unconscious) that have supported and contributed to your overweight issues. That's what I'm doing and it's working for me. More on that later...
Cheers to Your Health,
Day #10 - weight same as yesterday
On Day #1, 10, 20, 30, 45, as part of this protocol, you have to do measurements.
So, since Day #1 my body is smaller anywhere from 0 to 1/2" - that's pretty good in 10 days.
I checked my records for Protocol #1 and in the first 10 days it was 0 - 3/4", mind you I was larger.
The following may answer some of your questions and is taken from the company that I get my HCG through and their documentation about HCG & three different types of fat:
Q. So what is HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
It is a polypeptide protein that exists in every tissue in the human body in tiny amounts. When a woman becomes pregnant her body produces high quantities of this which aides in supplying nutrition for the baby.
Q. Can it be harmful?
No. During pregnancy it is produced daily in a quantity hundreds of thousands of times the amount that you would be using with this protocol. It harms neither the mother nor the child. In fact it is a natural mechanism that is produced to protect the baby. In the case of a pregnant woman that does not get proper nutrition, the HCG will pull calories and nutrition from her abnormal fat to feed the baby. In this same way it will feed you 2000 calories from your fat; therefore you will not be hungry on this program even though you are only eating 500 calories!
Q. Is it safe for men?
Yes. In fact men tend to do very well with the HCG.
HCG targets Abnormal Fat and Reshapes Your Body!
It is true that if you follow a 500 calorie a day diet you will lose weight anyway. However, you will not lose the same weight, the same way, as with including the HCG. Your goal is to lose FAT, not just weight.
Following a 500 calorie a day diet with out HCG will leave you fatigued and irritable. Within a few days you will start to retain water as you become protein deficient.
Without the HCG you will lose both fat and muscle, as is the case with any normal diet.
An important point to note with this protocol is that when you have dropped for example 16 lbs, you have lost 16 lbs of abnormal fat. Whereas, with other diets, when you lose 16 lbs, you could be losing 8 lbs of lean body mass, 4 lbs of good fat reserves and 4 lbs of abnormal fat.
Structural fat: fills the gaps between various organs, a sort of packing material. It beds the kidneys, gives the springy cushion of hard fat under the bones of the feet, it also makes the skin smooth and taut.
Reserve (normal) fat: the body can freely draw upon this fat when the nutritional income from the intestinal tract is insufficient to meet the demand. This fat is localized all over the body. Both structural and reserve, are normal and even if the body stocks them to capacity this can never be called obesity.
Abnormal fat: the accumulation of fat, and such fat only, from which the overweight patient suffers. This abnormal fat is also a potential reserve of fuel, but unlike the normal reserves it is not available to the body in a nutritional emergency. It is, so to speak, locked away in a fixed deposit and is not kept in a current account, as the normal reserves.
Abnormal fat is targeted in this protocol.
Unlike other diets, this program seems to reshape and re-sculpt the body by releasing abnormal fat deposits on your body. This unique process also appears to help correct your hypothalamus and metabolism potentially making these results permanent!
I believe that in order for this protocol to be permanent it must be combined with working on a Health Breakthrough with an NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Coach that's certified in Time Line Therapy (R). No ifs, ands or buts. You have to address the inappropriate strategies, behaviours, negative emotions and limiting beliefs (they're unconscious) that have supported and contributed to your overweight issues. That's what I'm doing and it's working for me. More on that later...
Cheers to Your Health,
Jun 13, 2010
What a Good Day!
Results on this a.m. scales showed down another 2.5 lb!
Although my 1st post is timed 9:05 p.m., I actually finished it after 1 a.m. this morning and was up and off by 9 running around for the day and ending with a Meditation workshop in the afternoon on the Gemini New Moon with one of my favourite Astrologers Dale Osadchuk.
I've been having issues figuring out what's what when it comes to setting up a Blog and I'll admit I'm technically challenged, so I think I better call my nephew, Raymond soon :)
Well I promised this one would be shorter...
Cheers to Your Health,
Although my 1st post is timed 9:05 p.m., I actually finished it after 1 a.m. this morning and was up and off by 9 running around for the day and ending with a Meditation workshop in the afternoon on the Gemini New Moon with one of my favourite Astrologers Dale Osadchuk.
I've been having issues figuring out what's what when it comes to setting up a Blog and I'll admit I'm technically challenged, so I think I better call my nephew, Raymond soon :)
Well I promised this one would be shorter...
Cheers to Your Health,
Jun 12, 2010
Ever Tried to Change a Habit/Behaviour Consciously?

Welcome to my life. For someone that values privacy, this is definitely a jump right out of my comfort zone.
I had originally intended to post my journey on my website after I made it to my goal but when Schelle, my sis, suggested that I should blog so that people could get a feel for what I'm up to, hear all the news - good & bad and really see me progressing, I decided to do it. So, thank you for joining me on my mission.
Have you ever tried to change a habit/behaviour consciously? Were you successful? Bet not. That's because all Learning, Behaviour and Change happens at the unconscious level, period. Our unconscious is the domain of our emotions, our feelings and drives our behaviour. Whereas our conscious mind is in control of our thinking, it's logical and analytical. The unconscious is actually the boss. A fact I didn't know until 6 years ago and didn't pay attention to until recently.
I'd spent the better part of 35 years fighting the battle of the bulge , trying to consciously lose weight and pretty much tried every diet known to man/woman. I believe I have found the secret protocol to easy, quick and permanent weight reduction utilizing Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy(R) (TLT) and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), so decided to share.
Although I'm beginning this blog today, I need to back up a little bit and give you some history.
Firstly, I'm a Trainer & Master Practitioner of NLP, TLT, Hypnotherapist and Master Coach. I have been involved with these fantastic tools and techniques that install change quickly and easily for the past 6 years and run a successful business where I utilize them in coaching people to their goals. I know that the Breakthrough program that we utilize works, we guarantee our results. Thing was, I hadn't gotten serious about my own health until this past Jan. I just needed to literally get off my duff and take responsibility for my change and hire my Coach.
So, I signed up for a Health Breakthrough on January 22, 2010, where my Coach did Strategy work with me regarding exercise. I never exercised, never thought about. Strategy work is very powerful. Since then I happily walk 5 out of 7 days!
Then, as we know, we all want everything like "yesterday, faster, quicker" which brings me to the other part of this equation, HCG. Another Master Coach like myself in the States that I'd become friends with, owns her own Healing Centre and all I kept hearing was this buzz about her Weight Loss Protocol and how successful it was.
That evening of Jan. 22, I phoned her up, she shared with me the process of how she puts our NLP Breakthrough (B.T.) and the HCG together. I ordered it right away and she shipped me the HCG and all the pertinent information to get started.
I also told her that I intended to use myself as a guinea pig and if this HCG worked as well as I'd heard it did and hoped it would, then I wanted to bring it to Canada to share and utilize it with my Clients, so that they could get to their results quicker too!
Btw I'm 5'4", currrently wear size 14 and 53 yrs. young:
Feb. 3 & 4 Phase I - "Binge Days" - this wasn't really overly fun, although I thought it was going to be but it's a very important part to setting you up for success...I'll explain more in a future post or a link
Feb. 5 (214 lb) - Mar 19 - Phase II - I did the first round of the HCG (which runs for a max of 45 days) and began the NLP B.T. Reduced 19.5 lb., 3% Body Fat and 1 1/4" - 3 1/2"
Mar 20 (195.5 lb) - May 9 -Phase III Maintenance (no HCG) - kept within 4 lb. of Mar. 19th weight during this time.
May 7 - (up 3 1/2 lb) Appointment with my Coach, we did more Strategy work specifically because during the 45 days of the HCG I'd found that I couldn't go longer than 4 days straight without cheating, usually it was salty snacks. As is routine with our coaching, we assign tasks and she assigned me a Task to support this new strategy. The task was that for 7 days (May 10-17) I needed to follow Phase III-Maintenance 100% faithfully.
May 10 (199 lb) - 17 (191.5 lb) I was successful with the task and reduced by 7 1/2 lb.
Then like a ding dong I fell off the wagon for 2 weeks (continued to weigh myself daily) and regained the 7 1/2 lb. :(
A couple more appointments with my Coach doing Values & TLT work near the end of May, back on track.
I had intended to do another round of HCG in combination with my NLP B.T., just in hindsight should've been sooner. Oh well.
So round 2 of HCG arrived on June 3
June 5 & 6- Phase I (199.5 lb)
Phase II June 7 (199.5 lb)
Yes I know, you probably have tons of questions, I'll get to them.
It is my intention to continue to log my process, not only the numbers but also to share my insights, what one can expect and things to look out for, etc.
It's amazing what you find out about yourself. During the 1st round I discovered that I was eating for reasons other than hunger, like bored, lonely, tired to name a few.
As of today, Day #8, (194.5 lb) reduced 5 lb. I awoke on and off through the night with a nagging headache which tells me two things, one my body had a lot of toxins it' was trying to get rid of and two I need to be drinking more water.
I'm going to sign off for now and do my best to make future posts shorter :)
Cheers to your Health,
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