Jun 9, 2011

What are your Favourite Excuses? No Time...No Money...No Energy

Or does it go like this...

"Well I feel this is the course for me but I can't because my husband won't let me" or

"I would've loved to have been a (blank) but my family wouldn't let me" or

"I can't because you see, my kids need me".

Any of these sound familiar?

Here's an Awareness for you:

The only reason that the opportunity is in front of you now, is because you're ready!

When your excuses surface remember that you are avoiding the opportunity that's just presented itself and this is how you are rationalizing it and Not engaging with this experience.

In doing so, you are Giving Your Power Away. This experience is in your life because you created it, unconsciously of course.

Once you commit and put your Time, Money and Energy to the opportunity you want, you'll get tested up to at least 3 times to see if you're serious, so be ready.

We talk about another powerful concept "C & E" in our "Designing Your Destiny (TM)" Leadership & Empowerment weekends.

Cause is greater than Effect

Living on the "C" side of the equation means that you're the Creator and the Cause of things in your life, you know you have the power to choose and you have the Results that you're looking for.

Living on the "E" side means that you've given your power away by blaming everyone - you're "At Effect". You have all the "Excuses" and "Reasons" for: why you're not Who you want to be or why you're not Doing what you want to do or why you don't Have what you want to have!

Which side of the cause & effect equation are you on?

Choose to Accept the Opportunity now!

Cheers to Your Health,