Bob Proctor Speaker and Author
Stabilization Day #12 - 181 lb
(July 16 - Aug 5)
Check out my latest photo showing my new weight.
Cheers to Your Health!
Jul 27, 2010
Jul 25, 2010
Stable #10 - "Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon them and to let them know that you trust them."
Booker T. Washington
1856 - 1915 Educator & Writer
Stabilization Day #10 - 181 lb
(July 16 - Aug 5)
Well I came home late Fri night, weighed in yesterday a.m. and was 184 after a week of no scales, chaos and running around-I'd say I did very well. Only up 3.
The idea is to stay within 2 up or down from the end weight, in my case, 181. They suggest a "Steak Day" which I could've done yesterday but didn't remember that fact until after I'd had breakfast-lol.
It's funny but I really want to continue on my mission, to lose approximately another 40 lb but need to wait at least 6 weeks in between each round of HCG.
The reason being is that you "Stabilize" for the 1st 3 weeks, increasing your caloric intake, to allow your body to let you know where your new weight set point is. You want to set a healthy metabolism. Your body is also getting rid of any HCG in it.
Then the 2nd 3 weeks is "Maintenance", where you slowly add in other foods, weighing every day and they suggest using the steak day when necessary.
As in all proper goal setting, when you achieve one, you set another. I've planned my next round, which will be for 23 days based on the other information that I acquired recently.
That would make it Aug. 26 - Sept. 20.
Cheers to Your Health!
1856 - 1915 Educator & Writer
Stabilization Day #10 - 181 lb
(July 16 - Aug 5)
Well I came home late Fri night, weighed in yesterday a.m. and was 184 after a week of no scales, chaos and running around-I'd say I did very well. Only up 3.
The idea is to stay within 2 up or down from the end weight, in my case, 181. They suggest a "Steak Day" which I could've done yesterday but didn't remember that fact until after I'd had breakfast-lol.
It's funny but I really want to continue on my mission, to lose approximately another 40 lb but need to wait at least 6 weeks in between each round of HCG.
The reason being is that you "Stabilize" for the 1st 3 weeks, increasing your caloric intake, to allow your body to let you know where your new weight set point is. You want to set a healthy metabolism. Your body is also getting rid of any HCG in it.
Then the 2nd 3 weeks is "Maintenance", where you slowly add in other foods, weighing every day and they suggest using the steak day when necessary.
As in all proper goal setting, when you achieve one, you set another. I've planned my next round, which will be for 23 days based on the other information that I acquired recently.
That would make it Aug. 26 - Sept. 20.
Cheers to Your Health!
Jul 18, 2010
#44 - "Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it."
George Halas
Ball player, coach and founder of the Chicago Bears
#44 - Stabilization Phase - July 16 - Aug 5
Had a family emergency and had to take off up north to look after my Mom. Who's going to be ok, thank goodness but is in a lot of pain with her chest infection and two broken ribs!
In my haste, I forgot my scales at home. So will have to do my best 'til I get back to increase my caloric intake to around 1200 but maintain what I was two days ago. I know, good luck without my scales.
If you feel you have excess pounds you'd like to shed, I ask, "do you really want to get rid of it now?"
Cheers to Your Health!
Ball player, coach and founder of the Chicago Bears
#44 - Stabilization Phase - July 16 - Aug 5
Had a family emergency and had to take off up north to look after my Mom. Who's going to be ok, thank goodness but is in a lot of pain with her chest infection and two broken ribs!
In my haste, I forgot my scales at home. So will have to do my best 'til I get back to increase my caloric intake to around 1200 but maintain what I was two days ago. I know, good luck without my scales.
If you feel you have excess pounds you'd like to shed, I ask, "do you really want to get rid of it now?"
Cheers to Your Health!
Jul 16, 2010
#42 - "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss
#42 - 181 lb (same) total this phase -18.5, Grand total -33 lb!
Well, I would say I'm on a plateau. That and to speak of a delicate subject, you must make sure that your body does what it's supposed to do every day and pass waste. That's why in the program it states to have a natural laxative tea every other day.
Today I decided to start Stabilization Phase so no more HCG drops. As well, today and tomorrow still only 500 cal.
Cheers to Your Health!
Well, I would say I'm on a plateau. That and to speak of a delicate subject, you must make sure that your body does what it's supposed to do every day and pass waste. That's why in the program it states to have a natural laxative tea every other day.
Today I decided to start Stabilization Phase so no more HCG drops. As well, today and tomorrow still only 500 cal.
Cheers to Your Health!
Jul 15, 2010
#41 - "The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low and hitting our mark."
#41 - 181 lb (same?)
The only think I can figure is that I had 4 oz of steak for lunch-2 days in a row.
Funny thing is, is that I rarely eat red meat and in the 1st round of HCG, not once.
Have been working furiously on putting programs together for those who wish to follow my lead, now that I'm convinced that the HCG works. I'll combine it with my NLP Coaching tools and techniques that guarantee results are permanent.
HCG will reduce the weight quickly but without NLP Coaching I would guesstimate that the weight will come back on eventually because you haven't addressed the "why" you're overweight.
NLP always finds out the "why" and the "how" of your issue. Then once we know these in the context of your weight issue, we can address the strategies and behaviours that run, for the most part, out of your awareness. We eliminate the sabotage strategies/behaviour and then adjust and tune the rest for your success.
Cheers to Your Health!
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)
#41 - 181 lb (same?)
The only think I can figure is that I had 4 oz of steak for lunch-2 days in a row.
Funny thing is, is that I rarely eat red meat and in the 1st round of HCG, not once.
Have been working furiously on putting programs together for those who wish to follow my lead, now that I'm convinced that the HCG works. I'll combine it with my NLP Coaching tools and techniques that guarantee results are permanent.
HCG will reduce the weight quickly but without NLP Coaching I would guesstimate that the weight will come back on eventually because you haven't addressed the "why" you're overweight.
NLP always finds out the "why" and the "how" of your issue. Then once we know these in the context of your weight issue, we can address the strategies and behaviours that run, for the most part, out of your awareness. We eliminate the sabotage strategies/behaviour and then adjust and tune the rest for your success.
Cheers to Your Health!
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)
Jul 14, 2010
#40 - "Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your mind. Put your whole soul to it.

Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic, and faithful and you will accomplish your object. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
1803 - 1882 Essayist, Philosopher and Poet
#40 - 181 (-2) total -18.5 lb
Was going to make this my last day and I've changed my mind.
I want to get into the next level...the 170's!
These have been my mini goals, the 190's, the 180's...
Then I can stabilize there until I decide what I'm going to do next.
This other supplier that I found does her program a little different than the one that I've been on. One of the biggest differences I saw was that they allowed a Melba toast or Breadstick @20 cals worth per meal. Didn't have that on mine. I find that odd since one of the main ideas is that you're supposed to be off sugars and carbs for the duration of the program.
I'm thinking that I may do another round and I'll follow this other program's directions to see which one I like the best.
You know it's like making a cake. The first time you follow the recipe exactly. Then you play with it to see how you can make it better. That's that Values Level 5 in me!
Cheers to Your Health!
Jul 13, 2010
#39 - "Each indecision brings it's own delays and days are lost lamenting over lost days. What you can do, or think you can do, begin it.
For boldness has magic, power, and genius in it.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
1749 - 1832 Poet, Novelist, and Scientist
#39 - 183 lb (+2.5)
Silly, silly. Ate some of the BD supper that I made for my daughter, son-in-law and grandson.
You know, not only does it set me back from my goal and I lose the time but I also feel very yucky.
Goes to show ya the effects of what too rich food can have on the body-specially when you're not used to it.
And oddly enough, I actually was looking forward to eating properly today....whoa what a different perspective - and I have -lol
Cheers to Your Health!
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
1749 - 1832 Poet, Novelist, and Scientist
#39 - 183 lb (+2.5)
Silly, silly. Ate some of the BD supper that I made for my daughter, son-in-law and grandson.
You know, not only does it set me back from my goal and I lose the time but I also feel very yucky.
Goes to show ya the effects of what too rich food can have on the body-specially when you're not used to it.
And oddly enough, I actually was looking forward to eating properly today....whoa what a different perspective - and I have -lol
Cheers to Your Health!
Jul 12, 2010
#38 - "Doubt, of whatever kind, can be ended by action alone."
Thomas Carlyle
1795 - 1881
Philosopher and Author
#38 - 180.5 (+0.5) total -19 lb
Strange happenings yesterday.
As I said I assisted this past w/e at a very transformational event.
Yesterday at lunch, all of a sudden I felt weak, dizzy and nauseous. I was running around cooking my lunch and dinner on the BBQ, checking on the pool, watering the dry gardens, etc. all within an hour!
Normally that kind of activity for me is not an iss (I've always been like the ever ready energizer bunny) but I've come to recognize and realize to watch my VLF (Vital Life Force energy) when Training during this protocol. They say in the HCG instructions "no strenuous exercise but can do cardio" and "that it's best if your life is not high stress".
Well, it's not that the training is stressful for me or the participants because it's actually really fun but...for me it's high energy!
I hadn't noticed that this protocol was affecting my energy that much but it makes sense.
Learning's, learning's, learning's...
It's All Good!
As I said the other day, I've been in contact with another company in the States and have been reading their literature that they provide with the HCG and I've decided to make this Wednesday, Day #40 the end of this round for me based on my crazy schedule for the next 2 weeks. And I'm pretty much finished my NLP Health Breakthrough - probably will have one more visit to check in and do any other touch ups on my Strategies or any Limiting Beliefs that I may come across that are non-supportive to my Health. :)
That means that on Thursday and Friday I'll continue to eat 500 calories but no more HCG. I'll start the Stabilization Phase for the following 21 days (3 weeks).
Stabilization Phase:
You are allowed to eat basically whatever you want from the "allowed" list (which you've been eating from) but still within this phase starch and sugar-free!! If you start out with the idea that you've been eating 500 cal/day and test your body with maybe 1500 cal, if you drop a pound then you need to add more calories. This is what I found in late March after I'd finished Round 1. The idea is to increase your calories to allow your body to let you know where your new weight set point is. This new weight set point will also be reset in the hypothalamus. It is stressed not to gain 2 pounds or lose 2 pounds.
You refrain from continual weight loss! It is very important to eat All meals. You want to set a healthy metabolism and as each person is different, you need to see which foods work for you without weight gain and adjust accordingly.
Eat 5-6 times a day, breakfast, lunch, dinner and 3 snacks - this keeps the metabolism moving.
If you exercise more you will have to take in more calories to sustain your weight. You have to listen to your body.
During stabilization, oils are allowed, but use in moderation remembering to use the heart healthy fats. You can have protein including eggs, fruit, and vegetables (off the list-corn, potato, corn, peas, yams, summer squash and pumpkin or any other starch vegetable). Cheese and milk are acceptable within moderation but be careful of yogurt. Most brands contain added sugar (low fat dairy products are recommended).
Check labels, weigh yourself daily.
Now here's an interesting "To Do":
Remember you should never lose or gain more than 2 pounds. If you go up 2 pounds do a steak day.!
Steak Day: To do a two pound recovery, abstain from all food until the evening meal when you are allowed a large steak cooked in oil or butter and one apple or tomato.
Cheers to Your Health!
1795 - 1881
Philosopher and Author
#38 - 180.5 (+0.5) total -19 lb
Strange happenings yesterday.
As I said I assisted this past w/e at a very transformational event.
Yesterday at lunch, all of a sudden I felt weak, dizzy and nauseous. I was running around cooking my lunch and dinner on the BBQ, checking on the pool, watering the dry gardens, etc. all within an hour!
Normally that kind of activity for me is not an iss (I've always been like the ever ready energizer bunny) but I've come to recognize and realize to watch my VLF (Vital Life Force energy) when Training during this protocol. They say in the HCG instructions "no strenuous exercise but can do cardio" and "that it's best if your life is not high stress".
Well, it's not that the training is stressful for me or the participants because it's actually really fun but...for me it's high energy!
I hadn't noticed that this protocol was affecting my energy that much but it makes sense.
Learning's, learning's, learning's...
It's All Good!
As I said the other day, I've been in contact with another company in the States and have been reading their literature that they provide with the HCG and I've decided to make this Wednesday, Day #40 the end of this round for me based on my crazy schedule for the next 2 weeks. And I'm pretty much finished my NLP Health Breakthrough - probably will have one more visit to check in and do any other touch ups on my Strategies or any Limiting Beliefs that I may come across that are non-supportive to my Health. :)
That means that on Thursday and Friday I'll continue to eat 500 calories but no more HCG. I'll start the Stabilization Phase for the following 21 days (3 weeks).
Stabilization Phase:
You are allowed to eat basically whatever you want from the "allowed" list (which you've been eating from) but still within this phase starch and sugar-free!! If you start out with the idea that you've been eating 500 cal/day and test your body with maybe 1500 cal, if you drop a pound then you need to add more calories. This is what I found in late March after I'd finished Round 1. The idea is to increase your calories to allow your body to let you know where your new weight set point is. This new weight set point will also be reset in the hypothalamus. It is stressed not to gain 2 pounds or lose 2 pounds.
You refrain from continual weight loss! It is very important to eat All meals. You want to set a healthy metabolism and as each person is different, you need to see which foods work for you without weight gain and adjust accordingly.
Eat 5-6 times a day, breakfast, lunch, dinner and 3 snacks - this keeps the metabolism moving.
If you exercise more you will have to take in more calories to sustain your weight. You have to listen to your body.
During stabilization, oils are allowed, but use in moderation remembering to use the heart healthy fats. You can have protein including eggs, fruit, and vegetables (off the list-corn, potato, corn, peas, yams, summer squash and pumpkin or any other starch vegetable). Cheese and milk are acceptable within moderation but be careful of yogurt. Most brands contain added sugar (low fat dairy products are recommended).
Check labels, weigh yourself daily.
Now here's an interesting "To Do":
Remember you should never lose or gain more than 2 pounds. If you go up 2 pounds do a steak day.!
Steak Day: To do a two pound recovery, abstain from all food until the evening meal when you are allowed a large steak cooked in oil or butter and one apple or tomato.
Cheers to Your Health!
Jul 11, 2010
#37 - "Maybe you can't change the whole world, but if you have love in your heart you can make small differences every day,
which really does change the world, one life at a time."
Kristina Koncz
Customer Experience Specialist
#37 - 180 (-1.5) total -19.5 lb
No time to chat, gotta run to day 2 of transformational weekend training!
Cheers to Your Health!
Kristina Koncz
Customer Experience Specialist
#37 - 180 (-1.5) total -19.5 lb
No time to chat, gotta run to day 2 of transformational weekend training!
Cheers to Your Health!
Jul 10, 2010
#36 - "Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."
Jul 9, 2010
#35 - "High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly, make big decisions quickly, and move into action immediately.
Follow these principles and you can make your dreams come true."
Robert H. Schuller
Televangelist, Pastor and Author
#35 - 183 (-1.5) total -16.5 lb
Well I'm on the homestretch now...10 days to go! Then 3 weeks of Stabilization. I'll pay attention and read fine print this time.
I think I'm going to create a "Lessons Learned" page. Then I'm going to add this one to it, and I may have mentioned this before but; take into consideration seasonality-such as planned holidays, long weekends, etc.
I just came across some addn'l info today via a new HCG contact that I've made in the States who quotes from Dr. Simeon's book about "Taking a Break Because of Unforeseen Interruptions", e.g. knowing beforehand that you will have to travel and be absent for more than four days, he suggests it is always better to stop the drops 3 days before hand and continue with the 500 cal for those 3 days.
He continues, "this saves them from the almost impossible task of having to arrange the 500 calorie diet while en route, and he can thus enjoy a much greater dietary freedom from the day of their departure. Only caveat is interruptions should only happen after 7-10 days of being on the program, otherwise some weight is liable to be regained. After 7-10 days an unavoidable interruption is merely a loss of time. Hmmmmm - very interesting. I shall take that under advisement.
I've figured out how to go out to lunch or dinner with friends and stay "on". Order a green salad with 1/2 lemon on the side, grilled chicken breast, water/mineral water, green tea/black coffee/espresso.
May sound plain but you'll be amazed at how "clean" your palette becomes-which in my books is a good thing. Then you're not so tempted to go back at those greasy, creamy high fat, calorie and carb meals.
I remember ordering a small Caesar salad at this restaurant in Newmarket that's famous for them and although first few bites tasted good, my stomach started to get really upset and I never finished it - I actually thought I was going to see it again, same happened with their Greek salad.
Also, at home I have on hand herbs and organic sea salt herb mixes that I grind on top of my salad to give it a twist.
Must tell you quickly, I went to the Mall quickly this a.m. as I needed some smaller clothes! Wow now doesn't that sound great! It sure felt great.
It's funny how some clothes are a smaller fit than others but I was thinking to myself today as I was fitting into size 14 and size 12 tops and slacks...if this is what I fit into at 183, should I choose to keep going 'til 140, what the heck size am I really?
I always thought maybe I was a 10/12, because when I was in my early 20's I remembered buying 10. But now I'm not so sure...
From Feb'10 I had set the target of 140 and just figured I'd see and feel what was the healthiest for me-might be less, might be more.
Cheers to Your Health!
Robert H. Schuller
Televangelist, Pastor and Author
#35 - 183 (-1.5) total -16.5 lb
Well I'm on the homestretch now...10 days to go! Then 3 weeks of Stabilization. I'll pay attention and read fine print this time.
I think I'm going to create a "Lessons Learned" page. Then I'm going to add this one to it, and I may have mentioned this before but; take into consideration seasonality-such as planned holidays, long weekends, etc.
I just came across some addn'l info today via a new HCG contact that I've made in the States who quotes from Dr. Simeon's book about "Taking a Break Because of Unforeseen Interruptions", e.g. knowing beforehand that you will have to travel and be absent for more than four days, he suggests it is always better to stop the drops 3 days before hand and continue with the 500 cal for those 3 days.
He continues, "this saves them from the almost impossible task of having to arrange the 500 calorie diet while en route, and he can thus enjoy a much greater dietary freedom from the day of their departure. Only caveat is interruptions should only happen after 7-10 days of being on the program, otherwise some weight is liable to be regained. After 7-10 days an unavoidable interruption is merely a loss of time. Hmmmmm - very interesting. I shall take that under advisement.
I've figured out how to go out to lunch or dinner with friends and stay "on". Order a green salad with 1/2 lemon on the side, grilled chicken breast, water/mineral water, green tea/black coffee/espresso.
May sound plain but you'll be amazed at how "clean" your palette becomes-which in my books is a good thing. Then you're not so tempted to go back at those greasy, creamy high fat, calorie and carb meals.
I remember ordering a small Caesar salad at this restaurant in Newmarket that's famous for them and although first few bites tasted good, my stomach started to get really upset and I never finished it - I actually thought I was going to see it again, same happened with their Greek salad.
Also, at home I have on hand herbs and organic sea salt herb mixes that I grind on top of my salad to give it a twist.
Must tell you quickly, I went to the Mall quickly this a.m. as I needed some smaller clothes! Wow now doesn't that sound great! It sure felt great.
It's funny how some clothes are a smaller fit than others but I was thinking to myself today as I was fitting into size 14 and size 12 tops and slacks...if this is what I fit into at 183, should I choose to keep going 'til 140, what the heck size am I really?
I always thought maybe I was a 10/12, because when I was in my early 20's I remembered buying 10. But now I'm not so sure...
From Feb'10 I had set the target of 140 and just figured I'd see and feel what was the healthiest for me-might be less, might be more.
Cheers to Your Health!
Jul 8, 2010
#34 - "Imagination grows by exercise, and contrary to common belief, is more powerful in the mature than in the young."
Paul McCartney
#34 - 184.5 (-1) Total -15 lb
Speaking of imagination, that's what I tell my clients when we're working with Time Line Therapy TM (TLT), all they need to do is be able to take direction and have an active imagination, as it's actually their unconscious mind that's doing all the work anyway.
TLT was developed in around 1986 by Dr. Tad James and who co-wrote the book "Time Line Therapy and The Basis of Personality" in '88 with Wyatt Woodsmall-what a wealth of information!
TLT allows me to assist clients in eliminating negative emotions, limiting beliefs, limiting decisions and phobias, each in 15 min. or less...permanently. Compared to traditional therapy where the ratio is 1:1, you have to essentially talk about your problem for as long as you have had the problem and you may never get resolution.
TLT is simple and quick and it also increases the amount of energy and emotional resources in a person.
As Dr. James explains, an individuals' personality can become blocked due to unreleased negative emotions like anger, fear, sadness and guilt as well as long forgotten limiting decisions.
I am sure you must've had the experience of feeling less energetic when you were feeling sad or upset. And all of us, have certainly made limiting decisions in our lives when we thought we couldn't do something but later on discovered that we had abilities and resources that we previously thought were lacking.
TLT is a simple communications technique that's elegant, quick and efficient.
Cheers to Your Health!
#34 - 184.5 (-1) Total -15 lb
Speaking of imagination, that's what I tell my clients when we're working with Time Line Therapy TM (TLT), all they need to do is be able to take direction and have an active imagination, as it's actually their unconscious mind that's doing all the work anyway.
TLT was developed in around 1986 by Dr. Tad James and who co-wrote the book "Time Line Therapy and The Basis of Personality" in '88 with Wyatt Woodsmall-what a wealth of information!
TLT allows me to assist clients in eliminating negative emotions, limiting beliefs, limiting decisions and phobias, each in 15 min. or less...permanently. Compared to traditional therapy where the ratio is 1:1, you have to essentially talk about your problem for as long as you have had the problem and you may never get resolution.
TLT is simple and quick and it also increases the amount of energy and emotional resources in a person.
As Dr. James explains, an individuals' personality can become blocked due to unreleased negative emotions like anger, fear, sadness and guilt as well as long forgotten limiting decisions.
I am sure you must've had the experience of feeling less energetic when you were feeling sad or upset. And all of us, have certainly made limiting decisions in our lives when we thought we couldn't do something but later on discovered that we had abilities and resources that we previously thought were lacking.
TLT is a simple communications technique that's elegant, quick and efficient.
Cheers to Your Health!
Jul 7, 2010
#33 - "A person without a sense of humour is like a wagon without springs; jolted by every pebble in the road."
Henry Ward Beecher
1813 - 1887 Preacher and Abolitionist
#33 - 185.5 lb (-5.5) Total -14 lb Body Fat 41%
OK, well I figured out the body fat discrepancy. Last day at the cottage my sister-in-law tried out my fancy scales and changed my settings to "male"-lol
Interesting that gender would make that much of a difference in body fat.
I'll have to ask her what the scales said about her :)
Gotta get to the store today and get my supply of grapefruit, berries, greens, etc. Ended up having an apple for bk - which is ok.
Cheers to Your Health!
1813 - 1887 Preacher and Abolitionist
#33 - 185.5 lb (-5.5) Total -14 lb Body Fat 41%
OK, well I figured out the body fat discrepancy. Last day at the cottage my sister-in-law tried out my fancy scales and changed my settings to "male"-lol
Interesting that gender would make that much of a difference in body fat.
I'll have to ask her what the scales said about her :)
Gotta get to the store today and get my supply of grapefruit, berries, greens, etc. Ended up having an apple for bk - which is ok.
Cheers to Your Health!
Jul 6, 2010
#32 - "Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth." Benjamin Disraeli
#32 - 191 (+4.5) Total -8.5 lb
Gave back the 5.5 lb that I'd lost last week these past 5 days at the cottage. Think I'd better stick to shorter trips, less challenging.
And as much as it's disappointing, to go backwards, I'm actually quite pleased that I managed to stick to the program as much as I did.
Another note to self: Seasonality appears to be an issue when arranging to do the protocol. Therefore schedule it around vacation etc. if you can and you'll achieve better results.
A friend of mine said a few weeks ago that she was interested in doing the program but not until she got back home in August from the cottage - good plan!
Day #30 was a measurement day (you take measurements when you start and every 10 days), results were decrease of 0" in a couple of spots and from 1/4" to 2" in the rest-pretty good.
A strange result this a.m. was 34.5% Body Fat, down 5% in one day. I'm wondering if my scales need a new 9 volt. I'll wait and see what happens tomorrow a.m.
Cheers to Your Health!
Gave back the 5.5 lb that I'd lost last week these past 5 days at the cottage. Think I'd better stick to shorter trips, less challenging.
And as much as it's disappointing, to go backwards, I'm actually quite pleased that I managed to stick to the program as much as I did.
Another note to self: Seasonality appears to be an issue when arranging to do the protocol. Therefore schedule it around vacation etc. if you can and you'll achieve better results.
A friend of mine said a few weeks ago that she was interested in doing the program but not until she got back home in August from the cottage - good plan!
Day #30 was a measurement day (you take measurements when you start and every 10 days), results were decrease of 0" in a couple of spots and from 1/4" to 2" in the rest-pretty good.
A strange result this a.m. was 34.5% Body Fat, down 5% in one day. I'm wondering if my scales need a new 9 volt. I'll wait and see what happens tomorrow a.m.
Cheers to Your Health!
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