Aug 16, 2010

"The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want."

Ben Stein - Attorney, Author, Actor and Commentator

Maintenance Phase 'til Sept 1

184 lb I'm over the 2 lb limit, so here comes the "Steak Day"

The following is from Dr. Simeons Book "Pounds & Inches":

As long as their weight stays within two pounds of the weight reached on the day of the last HCG Drops, patients should take no notice of any increase but the moment the scale goes beyond two pounds, even if this is only a few ounces, they must on that same day entirely skip breakfast and lunch but take plenty to drink. In the evening they must eat a huge steak with only an apple or a raw tomato. Of course this rule applies only to the morning weight. Ex-obese patients should never check their weight during the day, as there may be wide fluctuations and these are merely alarming and confusing. It is of utmost importance that the meal is skipped on the same day as the scale registers an increase of more than two pounds and that missing the meals is not postponed until the following day. If a meal is skipped on the day in which a gain is registered in the morning this brings about an immediate drop of often over a pound. But if the skipping of the meal - and skipping means literally skipping, not just having a light meal - is postponed the phenomenon does not occur and several days of strict dieting may be necessary to correct the situation.

Ok! I'm deciding that I'll do the Steak Day to correct the weight gain of 3 lbs.

I haven't done this before. There was one day, which I wrote about on July 25, where I missed the opportunity to utilize the Steak Day.

So for today, it's tons' of tea and water 'til supper.

Realizing that you design your life by your thoughts, expectations and desires, how would you feel about it sounding better than ever and looking so bright and beautiful, now?

Cheers to Your Health!